Monday, January 18, 2010

Why Share?

I was not sure if I wanted to do this, you know write about something so personal. As I thought about my topic of infertility and choosing IVF I came to the conclusion, why not share. I know there are thousands of couples going through the same heartache out there, and sometimes its a blessing just to know someone understands how you feel.
My Husband and my story starts off three years ago when I took a pregnancy test and found out I was expecting, what excitement. As the pregnancy went on I knew something was not right. I was spotting, having back pain, and my hcg levels were dropping. Now I'm a hypochondriac and was on the Internet diagnosing myself and I was convinced I was having an ectopic pregnancy. I mentioned this to my doctor but he reassured me it was a miscarriage and even if it was an ectopic with my hcg levels dropping my tube was not in danger of rupturing. Well my tube did rupture and caused severe internal bleeding and I had to have one of my tubes removed.
After the ectopic my husband and I tried for two years to get pregnant with no success, we new something was wrong so we started the long process of determining infertility and what the cause was. After many test and lots of waiting we found out that because of my surgery it put my other tube under stress which caused the inside of the tube to be permanently blocked. Our only chance left would be the expensive route of IVF.
So that where we are at. We choose an ivf program that we liked and we took all of our money out of our stocks and bonds so that we can have a family. I'm scheduled to have the embryo's (2) placed in me at the end of March. As of right now I just started the birth control they put you on, its so they can take charge of your body. I'm not looking forward to hormone shots, but in a way I cant wait till its time to inject myself with those mood altering hormones. It will just mean I'm that much closer to hopefully becoming a mommy. I'll keep everyone posted on my journey. Please let me know if you are expiriencing the same.